Monday, March 9, 2009

Third Wheel Surprises

*Random Sports Trivia: What two NBA players share the record for most three-pointers made in a single game? (Answer at the end of the post)


Before I get into this post I’d like you to know that I have experience with sports’ trios. Real life experience. Although somewhat different from the following trios because we were all on the basketball court at the same time during 7th grade (A-team), 8th grade (A-team), and freshman year (JV team), we all played guard. And just like the following trios where the third wheel ended up with the most or equally successful career of the three, I too ended up with the most successful basketball career. Sure, Myron and Earl had legitimately successful football careers, but I got the last laugh in basketball. (Note: we all played football together from 7th grade to senior year, but different positions.) While their basketball careers ended in high school with mere Texas state playoff appearances, mine ended last year as the UT intramural B-league champ. Before you go accusing me of tooting my own horn, my real basketball career ended after freshman year, when I realized 5’7” Hispanics weren’t varsity basketball material for a team that had just won State a couple years prior. Also, my football career ended recently as the QB/coach of an UT intramural B-league semi-finalist while theirs’ ended as Division I scholarship players at Hawaii and Missouri. (Myron’s might continue as an Arena League player). These following former third wheels did what I was unable to do, and that’s being just as successful, or at least closely as successful, as their trio compadres.

Third Wheel #1

This guy is the reason I thought of this entry in the first place. Matt Cassel, third wheel at USC in 2002 behind Carson Palmer and Matt Leinart. He was actually second-string in ‘02 in front of Leinart and was beat out by Leinart the following year, so technically he wasn’t really the third wheel that year, but considering he sat behind them both, I think it’s safe to say he was. Also, I wouldn’t quite say he is on Carson Palmer’s level yet, or that he will ever get there, but considering he has gotten a starting job at KC and Leinart can’t complete a pass to two Pro Bowl receivers, he’s kind of getting the last laugh.

Third Wheel #2

Brandon Jacobs. In 2003 he played running back alongside Ronnie Brown and Cadillac Williams at Auburn. Although he was second in carries that year with 72, he was going to play third fiddle the following year so he transferred to Southern Illinois. One Superbowl ring and two less severe knee injuries later, I’d say he has had the best career so far.

Third Wheel #3

This guy makes the 2001 Miami Hurricanes seem even that much more dominant, which if you look at there current NFL players, doesn’t really seem possible. Frank Gore, who was backup to Clinton Portis in ’01 would actually have made Willis Mcgahee the Third Wheel had it not been for his injury in prior to the ’02 season. Regardless, three Pro Bowlers at RB and a fourth (Najeh Davenport) that was drafted in the fourth round and had a couple of serviceable years, impressive.

The Final (and my personal favorite) Third Wheel

This haircut says it all. The Phoenix Suns at one point had Kevin Johnson, Jason Kidd, and Steve Nash. They had a short stint with Sam Cassell instead of J-Kidd, but it was too short and not quite as impressive. Anyways, has any other team ever had three point guards at the same time, who in their prime were arguably one of the top three point guards in the league? Check this out for all-time best point guards. Also, I found this video of Nash pulling off some cool soccer moves, another reason why he is my favorite of the third wheels.


Suggestion Box

As the first real suggestion to NoneChance, (The beer suggestion was made without the intentions of being a blog post.) I’d like to challenge the rest of you to beat the sawesome-ness that is this suggested video. By the way, this video is technically PG-13, but I’d take my surroundings into consideration before viewing it. Also, if you are offended that I posted this video suggestion, you can choose not to watch it. For everyone else, ENJOY.

Much thanks to Heath R. in Austin-


Sports Trivia Answer: Kobe Bryant (2003) and Donyell Marshall (2005) both hit 12. Didn't see that coming did you?


Song of the Post

Take A Bow - Muse

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