Thursday, March 12, 2009

Upset City Baby!

Already major underdogs are taking down powerhouses, and the NCAA tournament hasn’t even started yet. Confused? Well you wouldn’t be if you were watching the World Baseball Classic like I told you too. The Netherlands beat the Dominican Republic, TWICE. Granted, it’s not unusual for a dominant team to lay an egg at the same time a toilet-team plays above and beyond, but to do it twice in one week, impressive. It's as if a sixteen seed team beat the number one and two seed teams to make it to the Final Four, and if you don't believe me, just look at these rosters. Dominican Republic. The Netherlands.

Speaking of the NCAA tournament, I want to lay some law down (or just give you my insignificant opinion). When making a NCAA tournament bracket, there are a couple of guidelines I think everyone should follow, at least if they want to be considered as a legit bracket-ist. For every money tournament bracket group (league?) you join, you should have the same bracket for all of them. (By the way, I don't condone gambling addictions, "addictions" being the keyword.) My reason being, if you win the fifth of five different groups that you joined, and all of your brackets were different, that not only shows a lack of integrity, but a lack of cojones, and that you just got lucky. But if you want to show the world, or just your friends, that you're an elite bracket-ist, use the exact same bracket for every money group you join. This does mean it's okay to have your homer team (in my case Texas) to win the tournament in a bracket you made just for fun. If your team happens to be a legit contender that you truly feel will win it all, kudos to you, but I hope they suck at football.


Do sports mimic movies, or is that just me?

Often hollywood portrays athletes or teams with their movies, and sometimes they just make a fun twist out of sport through the fine art of cinema. Over time I feel like I have seen things in sports that reminded me of things I had seen before in movies. Sometimes it's not even an action or event, but just something that has to do with sports that triggers my pre-Pimp My Ride Daewoo of a brain to make a correlation between sport and movie. Here's what I can putter out:

Tiger Woods :: Caddyshack (minus the explosions caused by ol' Carl)

Benjamin Button :: Greg Oden (obvious) and Dustin Pedroia (think about it, he's only 25)

The Longest Yard :: This SEC Referee

Bring it on :: Mark Madsen

John McEnroe :: Samuel L. Jackson in every movie he's ever made

...and my personal favorite

Shane Falco :: Sage Rosenfels

Unfortunately the best YouTube clip of it won't let me embed, so here it is. ENJOY!


I'm Sending out an S.O.S.

No, I'm not asking for help (unless you're an employer who wants to pay me lots of moneys, than maybe, just maybe) and I'm not talking about Sting or The Police. I'm sending out a Shout Out, Son! Agreeably it's a stretch, but I never said I was cool. Anyways, my shout out goes to Jason Belmonte. First of all, I didn't read the entire article, in fact, I barely got past the title, and I don't expect you to either. Let's be honest, its still bowling. However, he's only two years older than me and has already "been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the L.A. Times, the Denver Post and on 'Good Morning America.'" as stated in the Page 2 article. Point is, if he can manage to get in the news and on TV by bowling two-handed (something I've done numerous times) and not even be on the PBA Tour, which I guess is bowling's version of the NBA, (which I'm not on either) than he deserves my respect, but instead I'll give him a shout out he won't even hear, or read, or whatever.


Suggestion Box

I didn't plan on having back-to-back posts with Suggestion Boxes, but I'm a maverick (I don't plan stuff), which I guess makes you my Goose. Anyways, golfer's (especially those who enjoy a cold brew on the course) should enjoy this slightly more than everyone else, although, everyone should enjoy it.

Much thanks to Scott P. in Austin



Song of the Post

Our Swords (Album) - Band Of Horses

1 comment:

  1. Sorry David but I fill out more than one bracket and I don’t think filling out one bracket in your money leagues makes you an “elite bracket-ist” maybe just an elitist. If you’re playing blackjack and you play two hands is that wrong too? Is doubling down wrong? Can you not spread your money out on a roulette table? It’s’s called hedging your bet and there’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t want to hear this “bracket of integrity” stuff. It's a cop out for you to say when you lost, "Well, I only did one bracket!"
