Thursday, March 19, 2009

Let Me, Let Me Update Ya

If you are wondering if I got the title of this post from this Beyonce commercial, you're right. As an ex-Advertising major I can tell you Direct TV and the ad agency they hired did a good job at creating recall with the commercial. Except the only thing recalled from this commercial was Beyonce dancing in a gold dress, I had no idea it was for Direct TV until I just watched it on YouTube. By the way, I have tried to emulate the dance she does in the commercial but seem to find myself looking a little more like this:

Back to things of relevance, my sincerest apologies for leaving a week without a post. However, I don't apologize for what kept me from posting, which includes the best St. Patrick's Day party I've ever been to (thank you Cahill's Pub, especially for letting me embarrass the comp. in a couple of dart tournaments) and also, doing my part for TGG (The Greater Good) in this time of economic turmoil by boosting Lake Charles' local economy. Sure, it may have seemed that I was "losing" my money at the Black Jack and Roulette Tables, but you and I know I was "giving" it out of the generosity that is my most (and only) crippling fault. Anyways, a few things have happened recently that made me feel the need to update you about, here they are:

1. T.O. signed with the Buffalo Bills. Considering their best player will most likely miss some time due to criminal activity, I can't say I blame them at the formidable attempt to become relevant since their back-to-back beat downs in '92 and '93 by a pretty good team that I don't think needs mentioning.

2. The U.S. made the semi-finals in the World Baseball Classic. And if you didn't see how, here's a clip that actually gave me a little bit of chills when I saw it happening live. (Not Rudy chills, but still.)


3. And oh yeah, the NCAA Tournament has started. NCAA basketball is probably my fourth favorite sport, behind both pro and college football and pro basketball, but even so, it has the best post-season in all of sports (Texas High School Football is a close second, and I'm only being half facetious). Here's an update within an update, Western Kentucky just held off Illinois for an obligatory 12 - 5 upset in the first round, not that I picked it in my ONLY bracket. I wasn't able place my bracket in this blog large enough to be able to read so I'll just give you my final four. Wake Forest vs. UCONN and Pitt vs. UNC. Championship game, Pitt over UCONN 71 - 68. 


As I mentioned in my first entry, I'm not an integral part of TGG, but that doesn't mean I can't do my best to be a part one day. And after hearing about Dante Stallworth, I felt it was necessary to speak about drunk driving, however, I prefer to speak through the art of embedding YouTube clips. On top of all the obvious reasons why you shouldn't drink and drive, this first video gives you another reason besides the scary and tragic stories.

However, if you regretfully find yourself pulled over after a few drinks, I hope you handle it like this. (and yes I know its not real)


Song of the Post

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